Product Development
The Product Development System (PDS) is an organizational system that manages both the product portfolio and each individual product development
The PDS, thus, is the interface between the enterprise and the market, being responsible for the identification, and even the anticipation, of the market’s needs to propose solutions to fulfill those needs.
PERMEVA has more than a decade of accumulated experience and knowledge in Particle Veterinarian, pharmacist, and chemist process development and scale-up. Our multidisciplinary development teams combine science and management to reduce, risk and time-to-market. Veterinarian, pharmaceutical scientists, chemists, analytical chemists, and others, work side-by-side to develop the most innovative solutions for your specific needs through the best use of the most up-to-date technologies, and practices in drug product development.
We make use of our proprietary framework (Excellent Development and Manufacturing) to ensure that early on in the process development, we are making the right choices concerning the long term commercial manufacturing strategy as well as product lifecycle management. Our development tools are constantly evolving to provide an enhanced understanding of the product and process.